Redfin's Small Apartment Balcony Ideas: featuring Venn's mission to incorporate multi-height workstations

It was a pleasant surprise when Redfin’s Jamie Forbes reached out to Venn creator Tyler Benner for some tips on what to do with your small apartment balcony. And while we are not real estate or macro-economic experts with a solution for the high interest mortgage rates or tight rental market, Tyler did have some pointers on converting your outdoor space into a posture-friendly secondary or tertiary workspace to utilize throughout your day.

Small Apartment Balcony Ideas: 10 Tips for These Tiny Spaces.

At Venn, we’re all about incorporating movement, multiple postures, and multi-height workstations into overly sedentary lifestyles of knowledge workers. Venn partner, biomechanist and author Katy Bowman eloquently refers to this philosophy as “stacking your life,” or the integration of multiple movements into everyday activities to maximize your wellness. To embrace this philosophy with your small apartment balcony, create a secondary or tertiary workspace that provides an opportunity to add a floor sitting or standing posture. Rotate through your workstation postures during the day and you’ll ameliorate the tendency to sit in an overly supportive chair. And you get the added benefit of fresh air and direct sunlight which will synchronize your circadian rhythms with daylight for improved sleep quality.
— Redfin
Tyler Benner